Growing up, I was the fat kid. Then I was the skin and bones kid. And I was always the nerdy kid without many friends. I didn’t go to parties. I didn’t go on dates. And I wasn’t happy with myself.
I got into sports in high school and started lifting seriously to put on size for football and gain an edge in track. My athletic career was cut short by injury, but I still retained that love for lifting.
So I got into bodybuilding and transformed my physique.
But I still wasn’t happy.
I was a slave to the gym and my diet and had no social life. Knowledge was only as good as what the muscle magazines or gym bros said you had to do, and while I built a strong body, no one had told me about building a strong life.
So I dug deeper.
I started my own research and experimentation and discovered the science and truth behind training, nutrition, and more. And I realized how rigid and unnecessary so many things were in fitness.
There was a better way, and you didn’t have to sell your soul to get the results you want.
I learned the art of balance, and I learned the art of making not only my body strong, but my mind and myself as a whole too.
And now my passion and goal in life is helping others to achieve the same, whether through personalized 1 on 1 coaching or through my writing and content.
Are you with me?