Look, I get it. It feels good to lift heavy weights, brag about your maxes, and post videos on Instagram of you hitting new PRs. You feel like a beast...the king of the gym...and nothing can stop...
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Give me 5 minutes to talk with someone and I can size up whether they're a winner or on track to be a loser who settles. The way you talk to yourself and others says...
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The hardest part of achieving a respectable physique is not finding the magical workout, diet, or supplement. The hardest part is showing up every day and putting in WORK. It's being dedicated. Making the commitment....
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If you've ever been on social media, chances are you've seen #IIFYM posted under a picture of some frisky food porn. If not, then maybe you've heard about it in conversation when the topic of...
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Who doesn't love fitness. The gym...the grind...the nutrition...the progression. It's freakin' addicting. We all know how it feels to get that surge of excitement before hitting the weights. Hell, I spend most of my waking...
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It's 3AM and you just flipped on the TV after a night of partying to chow down on the post-drinking meal and drift off into La La Land. As you slink into the soft bliss...
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Life is far from perfect or easy. Shit happens. Things get scary or uncomfortable. People come and go. Disaster strikes. We have to face challenges, and oftentimes we didn't even ask for them. It can...
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Question: I want to build as much muscle as possible and know that I should be in a calorie surplus, but should I have a calorie surplus on my rest days too? I don't want...
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"You've got to squeeze the muscles." "You've got to feel them working and moving the weight." "It's all about the mind-muscle connection." For decades, the mind-muscle connection has been preached about in the bodybuilding world....
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How much do you max, bro? Unless you work out exclusively in your cabin gym in the middle of the wilderness separated from all civilization, chances are you’ve heard this question on more than one...
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