FREE Subscriber eBook: Top 5 Cutting Mistakes
Spring is just around the corner, and with it comes warmer weather and breaking out the shorts and tanks for the first time since Santa season.
Not long after, it’ll be full blown Summer and time to hit the beaches and show off all the muscle you’ve been building the past few months.
Because of that, now’s the time to kick off your cutting diet if you want to be ready in time.
But unfortunately, most lifters approach cutting all the wrong way.
They make simple mistakes and either:
1. Never end up getting as lean as they want
2. Lose a ton of muscle
3. Hate the whole process
Or any combination of the three.
I don’t want that to happen to you.
I know exactly what it’s like to fail cutting diets miserably and have to pick up the pieces after and start the process all over again.
I’ve made just about every mistake in the books and over the past 10 years have studied all the science and learned what the RIGHT way to do things is.
So now I’m sharing some of those tips with you to help you avoid the common mistakes people make out there that leads to wasted time and frustration.
Introducing my free new eBook:

It’s 28 pages long, contains several fresh new infographics to help you visualize the concepts, and tons of tips that I use myself and in my clients to get such amazing results.
All you have to do is subscribe to the site at the link below.
You’ll receive a welcome email with a link containing the free eBook that you can view/download.
If you’re worried about subscribing, don’t worry. You can opt out at any time. I use a secure newsletter service and promise to never send spam or share your info with anyone.
If you’re ready to kick off your cutting season strong, check it out and reap the rewards.
If you need a little extra guidance to getting lean and achieving your best physique ever, hit me up for coaching here.
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